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Texas Essentials: Crista Bailey, Hideaway Report’s CEO & Travel Aficionado

by Lisa Davis on August 14, 2019

Crista Bailey is empowering people and changing their world perspective through one-of-a-kind hideaways and luxurious travel experiences. Bailey joined Austin-based Hideaway Report, a curated travel website, in 2017 to reboot their brand.  She brought her...

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Texas Essentials: Abbey Road, Queen of the Honky-Tonks 

by Lisa Davis on August 9, 2019

Abbey Road is reviving Texas dance halls and breathing new life into their old, legendary bones. Although born in Ohio, Road moved to Texas in 1976 has spent much of her life keeping iconic Texas...

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Texas Essentials: Dave Steakley, Zach Theatre’s Beloved Artistic Director

by Lisa Davis on June 5, 2019

How do you hang on to the soul of an icon in a city that is booming beyond belief? That's the daily challenge for Dave Steakley. A native of Grandview, Texas, Steakley first came to...