A Love Story for the Ages

by Julie Tereshchuk on August 12, 2015 in Entertainment, Art, Music,
PV animated video artwork 1

San Antonio native Patricia Vonne—featured in TLM’s summer print magazine with an article about her latest album release—also won the Audience Award for Best Music Video at the 2015 Cine Las Americas International Film Festival with her El Marinero y La Sirena (The Sailor and the Mermaid) animated short. The soundtrack to the classic love story is from Vonne’s ‘Worth It’ album.

Shot entirely with stop motion photography, the video uses original drawings to tell the tale of the sailor forced to walk the plank into shark-infested waters. He’s saved by the mermaid, who spins him to the surface with a kiss of life. Dream sequences eventually merge into the reality that they can never be together as the sailor belongs to the land and the mermaid belongs to the sea.

Clearly the multi-talented musician has movie making in her blood, just like her big brother, Robert Rodriguez.

Video Credits:

Shot and edited by Patricia Vonne.

Music, lyrics and illustrations by Patricia Vonne and Michael Martin