Award-Winning Actress and Producer Sheilava Inspires Through Storytelling and Community Engagement

by Bob Valleau on September 5, 2024 in Entertainment,

In the vibrant cultural landscape of Austin, Texas, where creativity flows as freely as the Colorado River, one artist is redefining the boundaries of multimedia expression.

Meet Sheilava – a multifaceted powerhouse whose talents span producing, directing, composing, singing and songwriting. (“Sheilava,” is a nickname coined by a colleague that combined “Sheila” and “Lava” which poked fun at her written signature “Sheila V.A.”) With a compelling blend of artistic pursuits, this award-winning SAG-e actress has made significant strides in both the indie film and music scenes. Sheilava is not just a performer; she is a visionary and a community advocate whose work resonates far beyond the stage and screen.

Sheilava’s journey is marked by a relentless passion for storytelling and a commitment to uplifting others. Beyond her impressive portfolio in film and music, she dedicates her time to teaching private music lessons in her home studio and hosting indie film and music festivals that amplify fresh voices and new ideas. Her partnership with Anthropos Arts, a non-profit organization aimed at empowering underprivileged and at-risk children through the arts, underscores her belief in the transformative power of creativity.

As we sit down with Sheilava, we delve into her diverse artistic endeavors, her inspirations, and the importance of giving back to the community. From her latest projects to her philosophies on education and the arts, this interview promises an intimate glimpse into the life of a true Austin icon who continues to shine a light on those around her. Join us as we explore the high notes and transformative journeys that define this remarkable artist’s career.

Discovering the World of Acting

Sheilava shares her unexpected entry into acting, ignited by a chance encounter and a passion for storytelling through music videos that transformed her life. “I never thought about pursuing acting until I was approached by a filmmaker on Facebook about making music videos for my songs,” says Sheilava. “The first two we made were the epitome of run-and-gun guerrilla filmmaking – it was either just the cinematographer and my band or just me in front of the camera at times. It wasn’t until my third music video, ‘Cups4Kings,’ that I actually started learning about the filmmaking process in detail and the very first time I actually played a character in a story, instead of just playing myself as the singer/songwriter. We decided to put together a much bigger production and get a larger cast and crew involved. I learned so much from this experience and loved every minute of it!   

“I was over the moon when a couple of crew members on that shoot invited me to come on board for their productions as well – one as an extra in a feature film, where I met another filmmaker who I ended up working with on multiple projects. The other opportunity entailed writing a theme song for a 48-Hour Film Project, a competition where you make a film from start to finish in less than two days. I absolutely love collaboration, competitions, and any sort of challenge, really, so I jumped at both. Being on my first feature film set was an experience to say the least, especially because I am very absorbent and constantly analyzing and soaking up every bit of information I can, no matter what I’m doing. Watching larger productions in motion made me fall in love with the organized chaos of it all; it sparked the itch to be a part of more films in any capacity. Thus, my passion for acting/filmmaking was born and my life and career path was forever changed!”


Whether composing, singing, or teaching, Sheilava’s passion for music and storytelling is evident. Photo courtesy Sheilava.

Sheilava’s Intricate Preparation Process

Sheilava employs to breathe life into her characters, blending empathy and analysis to create authentic performances. “I love reading a script and letting it sit with me for a day or two, then writing down any thoughts, questions, or reflections I have, and then coming back to the script and rereading again to see if anything hits differently (spoiler: it always does). I usually discover so much more about myself during the process too, not just from an actor’s perspective, but also from a more empathetic approach to becoming that character. Whether I like it or not, I always end up being able to relate to whatever the character is going through, whether they be a sweet southern belle vs. a demon in a cage, or the showrunner of an odd dinner party vs. a shy wallflower who is secretly obsessed with clowns.”

A Unique Community of Supporting Artistic Collaboration

“The community here, in Texas, is unlike that of any other state I’ve lived in or visited. It feels as if people are happy to help each other up the ladder that we’re all trying to climb, instead of competing with or fighting one another to get to the top. Most people I’ve met are always willing to help out on each other’s projects or at least give advice or recommendations without hesitation. We are all underdogs here and are all just trying to make it, whatever that means to each individual. Why not do it together? My favorite thing in the world is working with and for like-minded, positive, creative, and collaborative individuals. I also try to give back wherever/however I can in my free time because I recognize how much of a difference it can make to someone’s project or career. No one can do anything alone and it truly does take a village/community/army!”

A Memorable Experience on Filmmaker Robert Rodriguez’s Set

Sheilava recounts her exhilarating experience working alongside renowned filmmakers and actors in a high-profile Netflix production, highlighting the awe of being in such creative company. “One of my all-time favorite experiences was working on filmmaker Robert Rodriguez’ Netflix film, ‘We Can Be Heroes.’ At that point, I only had about a year of acting experience under my belt but had not been a part of such an incredibly large, intricate, and professional set, much less working in the same space with people like Rodriguez and actor Pedro Pascal (‘The Last of Us,’ ‘The Mandalorian’). The cherries on top were being around several incredibly talented child actors, especially Vivien Lyra Blair (‘Bird Box’). I had the utmost privilege of playing an alien guard aboard this handcrafted spaceship inside Troublemaker Studios. I mean, how cool is that? Getting to battle a team of superhero kids for hours on end and then eventually growing tentacles out of my back – it was an experience I’ll never forget!”

Hilarious Mishaps in Filmmaking

Sheilava reveals a comical and challenging moment from the set that led to unexpected creativity. “I could write a book about funny stories on set where things didn’t go as expected (for better or worse), but the one that stands out the most was a couple years ago when filming ‘CAGE,’ a narrative thriller/horror music video I co-wrote, produced, and acted in. Playing a demon was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done!  It was already tricky just to try to breathe normally underneath all the prosthetics and especially with a fake set of teeth, but add to it all the movements and stunts — crouching, thrashing, and lunging repeatedly at a metal cage all while chained to the floor. I actually broke my toe during filming on Day 2 when I got caught on one of the chainlinks and felt a pop right as I went to lunge at the door of the cage. When my toe broke I literally buckled down and screamed at the top of my lungs. But when life gives you lemons, you make…post-production magic! The Director/DP took the camera audio of me screaming and warped it to become the demon’s roar in the music video!”

Sheilava’s commitment to community and collaboration shines as she continues to uplift and inspire the next generation of creatives. Photo courtesy Sheilava.

Resilience in the Face of Rejection

Sheilava discusses the importance of resilience in the arts, sharing valuable advice for young performers navigating rejection and setbacks in their careers. “Rejection and criticism are part of life but especially a part of acting and any creative career. Other people’s opinions can be hurtful, but they can also be helpful, especially if you choose to use that as fuel to keep you going. You always have the ability to turn around any circumstance or bit of feedback and learn from it, grow from it, and refocus your time & effort to put even more energy and dedication into what you’re already doing…or maybe try things differently and see if that gives you a different result.”

Sheilava’s Diverse Pursuits

“I love to keep myself as busy as possible with as many creative endeavors as possible,” continues Sheilava. “Most people who know me already know this, but maybe not to which extent. Filmwise, I absolutely love writing, directing, producing, and being a part of the editing process. Apart from film, I have a whole other life in the music scene. I write songs nearly every single week, but not by choice…they just pour out of me!  I love performing with my five-piece band, commissioning theme songs for films and animated trailers, and playing flute/piccolo any chance I get. I have a Master’s Degree in Music Performance so it feels unnatural to not put that time and energy to use again whenever I can.  

“Outside of my creative endeavors I cannot sit still! I love fitness, hiking, gardening, meditation, reading, writing poetry, and exercising my brain when it comes to things like board games, video games, puzzles, and brain teasers… really anything that is beneficial to the mind, body, and/or soul. It is so important to work on yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally, otherwise your creativity can and will be stifled.”

Embracing Experience Outside Her Own

Sheilava emphasizes the importance of exploration and collaboration when preparing for roles that differ from her own life experiences. “I think soaking up as much as you can is crucial, not just by dissecting the script itself, but by asking the Writer & Director for their thoughts as well. We all interpret things differently and it is necessary to get insight from those who are most involved and most familiar with the plot, storyline, development, etc. I also find it invaluable to have some sort of idea how your character will be portrayed on camera, swayed in the editing process, and displayed for an audience. Also, it is natural to pull from your own experience, but you should make sure you aren’t just inserting your own storyline by default. I always hope the audience will see the character as it exists within that universe and that they recognize you did the best job possible to make it happen as an actor.”

Reflections on Awards and Nominations

“One of the most meaningful nominations I’ve received was for Best Performance at the LA Film Prize last Fall. This is the largest cash prize film festival in the world and the talent you see there year after year is unmatched. Furthermore, they do not give separate nominations for Best Actor or Best Actress, but rather, they group everyone together to be more inclusive of others who identify differently. It was extra special to be nominated amongst everyone who submitted, regardless of gender or identity. 

“As far as wins go, I had the absolute honor of receiving Best Actress for the 100-Hour Film Race – a global competition where you have 100 hours to complete a film, from writing the script to exporting and submitting the final cut. This one was extra special because I also got to sing in the film! I recorded a short rendition of ‘It Came Upon A Midnight Clear,’ which was so fun to work on in the short amount of time we had to make our Christmas drama come to life. Other awards I’ve received from various film festivals include Best Women’s Film, Best Original Music, Best Original Score, Best Music Video, Best Film, and Best Micro Short. I also acted in two films that took home Founder’s Circle Awards during the LA Film Prize.” 

Upcoming Projects and Exciting Ventures

Sheilava offers a sneak peek into her thrilling upcoming projects, including her new role as a voice artist and her involvement in a multi-award winning series, paving the way for an exciting chapter ahead. “I am blessed to say that I have a few projects underway but am most excited to share some recent and potentially life changing news. I was just announced as the voice artist and singer behind the official V-Tuber for ‘Kamen America,’ a series that has gone viral in Japan and is continuing to make its way into the hearts of anime fans and comic book lovers in the United States. This will not just be an online experience, but also a live and interactive one – year after year, my band and I perform at one of the largest comic-cons in the nation for a sold-out expo center of 35,000 people, and I am ecstatic to debut the very first live showcase of the ‘Kamen America’ V-Tuber this summer at Bell County Comic Con!  We will be posting more information about this on social media in the coming weeks.

Sheilava brings her characters to life and has several awards and nominations to show for it. Photo courtesy Sheilava.

“The other project that I’ve put my heart and soul into lately is a multi-award winning series I’m assist-directing and producing called ‘Basil King,’ an R-rated dark comedy that is turning heads left and right – we just wrapped the pilot episode and are excited to submit it to SXSW as well as start pitching it to networks once we have our final cut.  Outside of that, I have a few other things in the works which include finishing up my next biggest project to date, ‘MAD’ – a dark Alice In Wonderland narrative short film / music video, a role in an upcoming horror short in Houston, and a lead role in a ‘Twin Peaks’ fan film. I’ve also been approached about acting in two features next year and working on two upcoming trilogies that are being filmed in the Greater Austin Area over the next several years. Lastly, a production company I worked with a few years ago is talking about making the sequel to ‘Scream: Legacy,’ a fan film I assist-directed that now has over five million views on YouTube.  

“Tidbits, sneak peeks, and updates of everything can be found on my social media pages (mainly on Facebook and Instagram) if readers are interested in learning more along the journey. I also encourage readers to follow the incredible people I’m working with on all of these projects – to say I wouldn’t be where I am today without them is an understatement!  The heart and the talent here in Austin is bar none, and I can’t say what it means to have the support of so many people in my life to make any of this possible. I am stoked to see what the future brings, and I am so grateful to get to do what I love each and every day.”





Anthropos Arts


Cover photo courtesy Sheilava

Bob Valleau is a regular entertainment writer for Texas Lifestyle Magazine