Marker Cellars preserving LBJ Grassland

#TravelTuesday: Marker Cellars, One Winery’s Effort to Save Texas

by Donna Long on September 19, 2017

In the heart of LBJ Grassland, an eco-friendly, family-run winery is dedicated to preserving Texas grassland one bird at a time. Mark and Becky Rogers, owners of Marker Cellars, a boutique winery in Alvord, Texas...

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#TravelTuesday: Colorado’s Epic Discovery Lives Up To Name

by Jennifer Simonson on September 12, 2017

“Is the park open yet,” asked three-year-old Melissa turning from her mother to stare expectantly out the restaurant window to a motionless chair lift. “Not yet honey,” her mother said. “We have to wait a...

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Oktoberfests Abound in Texas: Unpack your Lederhosen!

by Samantha Strom on September 5, 2017

Everyone loves a good Oktoberfest. Beer, German food, and dancing. The funny thing is, they don’t always happen in October! Even in Germany, where the celebration originated, they start the party in September.  Here are...

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The Valencia Group – Taking Over Texas One City at a Time

by Gabi De la Rosa on August 30, 2017

If you have done any travelling in Texas, chances are you have either stayed in or seen one of the Valencia Group’s hotels; their mission is to create upscale boutique hotels across the state. The...

Campfire Outdoors Photo Credit Nick Simonite

#TravelTuesday: The Stella Hotel Takes Modern Luxury to the Country

by Autumn Rhea Carpenter on August 29, 2017

The twin cities Bryan/College Station are known for wide-open spaces and avid college football fans. It’s a place where tailgating and country-western dance halls prevail. Known as ‘Aggieland,’ the college town has evolved from an...

Foo Foo Fest signage

Florida’s Foo Foo Fest? Food, music, culture and fun…

by Babs Chandrasoma on August 28, 2017

For many people, when they envision the state of Florida thoughts of Disney World, sandy beaches, palm trees or beautiful oceanfront views may be conjured up, but I am writing to share this Pensacola secret,...

Island near Fiji

Wanna Win An Island?

by Margaret Richards on August 24, 2017

Tom and Veronica Eardley live in Houston. They own a private tropical island. And they want to give it away. All you have to do is tell them why you should win it. Oh, and...

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#TravelTuesday: Beyond the Cover – Canada’s 150

by Marika Flatt on August 15, 2017

Two-part series: Chilliwack, British Columbia We told you all about Canada’s 150th birthday in our summer issue when we had the pleasure of traveling via the Rocky Mountaineer. You can see our first installment of...

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Girls Love Travel Gush About Austin:

by Samantha Strom on August 10, 2017

Giving the low-down for locals and tourists alike Girls Love Travel is a Facebook group for, you guessed it, women who love to travel. It’s one of the most engaged groups on Facebook, and is...