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#TravelTuesdays: Park Hyatt Paris – Vendome

by Rita Cook on May 23, 2017

A prestigious property that has a reputation for not only luxury, style and comfort, but also stunning architecture, history and excellent dining, the Park Hyatt Paris-Vendôme in Paris’ second arrondissement is situated in the perfect location...

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#TravelTuesday: Bandera Slows It Down

by Marika Flatt on May 9, 2017

There’s a soundtrack that plays in my head, which fills me with thoughts and yearnings of Bandera, a small Hill Country town that is so much more than just the “Cowboy Capital of the World.”...

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#TravelTuesday: Wine & Food In Florida’s South Walton Beaches

by Selena Swartzfager on April 25, 2017

There are some places you visit and just know you are a step closer to Heaven. One of those places for me is South Walton Beaches in Florida and one of those times is the...

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#TravelTuesday: A Respite In The Great Smoky Mountains

by Kayla Elliott on April 18, 2017

Before I went to Tennessee, I didn’t know Great Smoky Mountains is the nation’s most visited national park: accessible to one-third of the American population. Before I went, I didn’t know how moonshine was made...

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#TravelTuesday: A Long Weekend In The Woodlands

by Gabi De la Rosa on April 11, 2017

The beautiful piney forests of The Woodlands is an enchanting location to spend a long weekend and will make you forget you are right next door to the 4th largest city in the country. There...

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#TravelTuesday: Springtime In Santa Fe

by Gabi De la Rosa on April 4, 2017

Warm weather is creeping back into Texas and for many of us that means packing up the snow boots and goggles and heading out for one last jaunt on the slopes. Santa Fe, New Mexico,...

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#TravelTuesday: Discovering The Gems Of Africa

by Rita Cook on March 28, 2017

I have a short bucket list. There are a few items on the list I have done, a few I will get done soon and then there are those “must dos” that I simply did...

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#TravelTuesday: My Very Own Mauritius

by Rita Cook on March 21, 2017

Not everyone knows about the wonderful island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean, but for those who do it’s a paradise. For those who are just hearing about it now, put it on your bucket...

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#TravelTuesday: Adventures In Beautiful Beaumont

by Rita Cook on March 14, 2017

What part of Texas offers a little bit of swamp and gator, a little bit of black gold with a lot of the bigger and better things in life a la the State of Texas? It’s...