“I am drawn to films that have a strong voice and message and attempt to make the world a better place to live in.”
Originally from Houston, Adam Ambruso graduated from the University of Texas at Austin. He has several projects set for release in 2018, including “Butterfly Caught” and “The Great Race.” Adam will also appear in the Lifetime Channel movie “Who Took My Daughter” this year. His previous credits include the drama “Running Wild” (Sharon Stone, Tommy Flanagan, Jason Lewis) and the SyFy original horror-sci-fi film “Atomic Shark” (Jeff Fahey, David Faustino).
Clearly you were drawn to the recently released “Trafficked” (with Ashley Judd, Sean Patrick Flanery and Elisabeth Rohm) as you acted in it and executive produced it. Why should we go see it?
Go see it because it is a great film first and foremost. However, “Trafficked” is much more. It is a social statement piece on the worst human rights violations and atrocities troubling our planet right now. When you realize what human trafficking really is and what it really means, it is nothing less that shocking, and the fact that it is happening right now, in gross proportions, all of the globe, is mind blowing. This film is our attempt to give a glimpse into that world as it occurs in the United States.
You’re taking the lead in “Butterfly Caught,” which premiered at the San Diego Film Festival and releases soon. What do you want audiences to take away from the movie?
Not so coincidentally, “Butterfly Caught” is another social awareness film. I am drawn to films that have a strong voice and message and attempt to make the world a better place. I want audiences to walk away feeling they should go after their dreams and follow their hearts, but they should only do so by not compromising who they are or what they strongly believe in.
Historic drama (you were recently in “The Great Race”) or contemporary movies like “Trafficked” and “Butterfly Caught?”
In making that decision, the weight falls mainly on the story and the message and not so much on the style of film. However, I would be lying if I didn’t admit that, I really love playing historical dramas. It’s oftentimes a great acting exercise and challenge and is great fun to transport yourself to another time. It requires the ultimate in imagination and creativity.
Acting or producing?
I am an actor and artist first…always. My level of involvement changes from project to project. Sometimes I am the lead, and sometimes I am just helping someone get their project moved forward, which is most often paved with obstacles.
I act therefore I produce has long been my mantra. That has changed recently though.
I now see it as project dependent. If I have prepare for a “juicy” or more challenging role, I want to have less or none of a producing role. If I have a smaller or easier role or no role at all to prepare for, then I want to have a larger producing role.
What’s the next project you’re most excited about?
I’ve got some really great projects coming up. However, I am really excited about this down and out James Dean style thriller called “Dead Man’s Bluff” being shot in Bakersfield, CA where I grew up for a small portion of my childhood. A close tie would be “Mr Manhattan” being shot in New York about a charmingly talented crisis negotiator. Along with those is the big budget superhero action film that I am writing that could possibly be set in the DC Comics world or could stand on its own. This is a new action hero I began creating several years ago.
Austin vs. Houston?
I have had a long standing love affair with Austin ever since I touched down there in college. I actually got goosebumps while driving in that very first time. It has always just felt like home to me and was the most accurate depiction of who I am at my core that a city could be when I lived there. Houston will always be home to me too though. It remains as one of my favorite cities. The people are raised with a different set of values and manners that hearken from another time.
What one other thing do you want us to know about you?
I genuinely want to leave a positive global impact on the world that creates a legacy that lives way beyond me. Because I’m a rule breaker by nature, I’ll give you one more…I have a simply wicked sense of humor.
Photo by Enzo / Shandrew PR