Info•Rama Informs Austin Art Lovers

by Leeza Dennis on July 1, 2016 in Entertainment, Art, Austin,
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Infographics aren’t what normally come to mind when you think of art, but artists Tom Whalen, Kevin Tong and Matt Taylor prove that the two can be one in the same. On June 24, Mondo Gallery presented the fruit of the artists’ labor in an exhibit called Info•Rama. Here you’ll find info-graphic film posters, meticulously researched, that highlight pop culture heavy hitters like Back to the Future, Star Wars, The Avengers and more. And when we say that, we mean things along the lines of stats of The Military Forces of the Galactic Empire or the components of the Batmobile.

Whalen_TheBatmobile“Since it launched, the Info•Rama project from Kevin Tong and Tom Whalen has been one of our favorite new developments in the poster world. We were excited to bring their illustrative infographic approach to our film properties, and adding Matt Taylor to the show was an incredible bonus. Sometimes collaborations come easily and feel really natural, and this is a perfect example of that,” said Mondo Creative Director Mitch Putnam, courtesy of

Info•Rama was founded in 2014, by Kevin Tong and Tom Whalen, and you can find more of their informative artwork at We managed to nab an interview with Austin-based Kevin Tong before the show. Now, Kevin Tong is pretty impressive, so check expect a closer look at his work coming soon

When asked what he liked most about art, Tong had this to say: “What’s not to love? I get to create images from my brain for things I love like movies and bands, it pays the bills, and most importantly, it has connected me to amazing people, like other artists and fans.”

You’re the amazing people he’s talking about – the one’s who help to inspire these artists to continue their craft. So get out to Mondo Gallery and experience this awesome exhibit before it’s gone. It ends on July 9th, and gallery hours are Tuesday through Saturday, hours 12:00 to 6:00.