When it comes to acting, award-winning actress EmmaRain Welling, age 4, holds her own against veteran actors and sometimes excels at delivering her lines and taking directions from her father — multiple award-winning director, Shawn Welling. During action scenes, EmmaRain (Agent Rain Moss) shines above the rest of her castmates (97 total) in the latest installment of “The 80s Kids Chronicles: Mission From Outer Space.” Since the film presented some different opportunities for EmmaRain’s acting abilities, we had a chance to talk with her recently about these exciting new challenges.
For this movie, lead actress EmmaRain had a strong group of young actresses who supported her throughout its filming. Her supporting female cast included multiple award-winning teen actress Alexis Arnold, who plays her older sister, Jackie; award-winning teen actress Kiley Opsal, who plays Kelly Cassidy; and newcomer teen actress Natalia Santacoloma, a former competitive gymnast, who plays Maria DeJesus.

Film Summary: Agent Rain Moss, also known as The 80s Kid, receives a top secret message that a beloved alien never made it home. She learns that this popular alien is being held in a military warehouse, Area 51, and there is underground chatter that the Russians plan to kidnap him. Her mission is to save this alien and send him back home to prevent an intergalactic war. Agent Moss gets her Dad, Jon Moss (Shawn Welling) to call Dr. Jones to assist in this Black Ops mission. Together they fight the Russians and prevent the “higher ups” in U.S. government intelligence from recapturing the alien. Soon the mothership lands and intergalactic peace is restored…for now.

Thank you, EmmaRain for talking to us. So, your biggest experience during this film lets you go inside a spy jet. What was that like?
“It was really fun climbing up in the jet. Dad told me to pretend the inside was a bunch of iPads. That made it easy for me. It was a real jet, of course.”
What was it like to do your own stunts in the film like saving an abducted girl and knocking down an alien ship with a blaster?
“It was fun and easy. I just had to do it a bunch of times. It was fun when people clapped for me. I like that.”

What was your favorite scene in the film and why?
“I liked the car wreck scene because I got to paint my face with makeup and got my dress really dirty. It was kind of like Halloween. I didn’t want to take the makeup off before I went to bed, but Mom said I should. Oh, Dad made it rain so everything was wet.”
What have you learned about set protocol?
“You have to be really quiet. Sometimes you get pizza at the end. They talk a lot about how to do stuff. That helps me.”
What have you learned about set safety?
“Dad had a mat for me to do my somersault on. That was for the car wreck. I did it while it was raining. I shot blasters and bow and arrows, but never pointed them at anyone. Just at the camera when no one is there.”
What’s it like working with Alexis Arnold who plays your sister Jackie?
“She’s my favorite. She’s always nice to me and makes me feel good. She helps me a lot.”

What’s it like working with actress Kiley Opsal who plays Kelly Cassidy?
“She was nice. I got to be in a fight scene with her. She is a good boxer.”
Overall, how do you feel about being the star of this film?
“It’s fun. Dad takes me to a toy store the day after we do a scene. I get to pick out a toy. I really like all my friends on set.”
How do you and your father get along on set?
“I ask for lots of huggies (hugs), and he always gives them to me. I didn’t like it when he wanted to make it rain on one of my scenes, but then it was really fun.”
EmmaRain also loves working with her Godfather in the film, actor Lee Majors (The Six Million Dollar Man), who plays The Colonel. Mr. Majors has mentored EmmaRain as well as her little sister, LillySky, during the making of this film. As Executive Producer and co-star, he told both of them to have fun and to do good work when it comes to the art of filming action scenes. For this series, Lee and his wife, Faith, are regulars to the red carpet screenings and all film events.

From her father, Shawn, who directed the film:
“EmmaRain likes me to rate her acting after each take. Once I said that she did an 8. She said, ‘Dad, let’s do it again until I do a +50.’ I explained that this is a 1-10 scale. Then she says, ‘Let’s try to do a 2,000.’ I love that she learns gun safety protocol and safety awareness of objects around her. I think she is far ahead as a four-year-old in her vocabulary and listening skills. Overall, this has been a great experience for her.”
From her castmates:
Alexis Arnold: “I play EmmaRain’s older sister, Jackie Moss, in the film Mission From Outer Space. I have known EmmaRain since she was born and have watched her grow up over the years. The truth is, I love that girl as if she was my own real little sister. She is so smart and talented, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for her.”
Kiley Opsal: “EmmaRain was a delight to work with! At her young age, she already knows how to block a scene, take direction, and memorize her lines. She is truly someone special. I cannot wait to work with her again. I already miss those big hugs that she gives everyone on set. And her incredibly talented filmmaker/writer father, Shawn, was a delight to work with, too. My experience with this father/daughter powerhouse was truly magical. The best set experience ever!”

Natalia Santacaloma: “It was great working with EmmaRain on Mission from Outer Space, and l was amazed with her acting. She is so professional and focused and not your typical four-year-old. She is sure to go far in her career. Shawn was a great director to work with. He is very creative, and it shows in the work that he produces. I would love to continue to work with this team in the future.”
For more information about The 80s Kid Chronicles: Mission From Outer Space and other Welling films, please visit: https://www.wellingfilms.com/.
Cover Photo courtesy Welling Films
Bob Valleau is a regular entertainment contributor for Texas Lifestyle Magazine.