On Sunday, May 22, 2022, Texas Lifestyle Magazine’s North Star, Editor-in-Chief Julie Tereshchuk lost her two-year battle with lung cancer. Most had no idea she was even sick as she kept her head high with a cheery attitude until the very end. Julie’s passion for the magazine ran deep, leading our small but mighty team for nearly eight years. She ran a tight ship with a kind heart, which is one reason I always called her “Captain,” (a quote from one of my favorite movies, Dead Poets Society, “Oh Captain, my Captain!”). I also had other nicknames for her: JT and GOAT (greatest of all time).
I met Julie through a professional organization, Women Communicators of Austin, of which we both served as President, in the early 2000s. Her big smile and British accent were legendary among our solid group of driven women. When my husband and I started Texas Lifestyle Magazine in 2014, there was no one else I wanted to lead other than Julie. I asked (maybe begged) and she readily accepted. She and I were “work sisters” until the very end; never having a real disagreement in the entire eight years of working side-by-side (which is saying a lot in the magazine business.)
Julie worked tirelessly to organize, assign, edit and create the very best statewide lifestyle magazine, of which we are all extremely proud. She mentored young interns, turned them into seasoned writers, and most of them have stuck around, putting in loads of unpaid hours to help produce this beautiful baby we all love. The passion we all feel for TLM started with Julie and has been contagious from the magazine’s inception.
She could tell you she disliked an idea, as only Julie could, and you didn’t even blink an eye, just worked harder to come up with something better. Even though she was in and out of the hospital for the past few months, you never would have known it with her work. Perfection until the very end.
Texas Lifestyle Magazine will go on; we have a strong team in place. Julie had asked to retire this summer, as she wanted to spend more time with her husband, Trevor. Yes, we will continue to deliver “all that makes living great in the Lone Star State,” but there will never be another Julie. She will live on in our hearts and in the spirit of TLM.
One of Julie’s favorite mentees, Gracie Watt, Assistant Editor, had this to say:
“Julie was an amazing leader and editor, a kind and caring mentor, and above all, a great friend. She always encouraged me and had the best advice. She would always tell me to “spread my wings” and “just be myself,” and would often give me a confidence boost in our weekly meetings. I will miss her so dearly. She was so much more than just an editor to me, she has been one of the biggest inspirations and role models, and every time we spoke, I could feel that she truly cared. We certainly have big shoes to fill with the hard work that Julie has done for Texas Lifestyle Magazine.”
Here’s more information shared by Women Communicators of Austin:
Julie was passionate about lifting women up and supporting the future generation of women communicators. She also served as a mentor for WCA’s mentor program, which was established in 2014, and wrote the Ask A Mentor blog for many years. Julie was honored by the organization numerous times, receiving the President’s Award in 2004, the Gladys Whitney Hearst Outstanding Member Award in 2007, and the Leadership Award in 2015.
Julie served as Editor-in-Chief of Texas Lifestyle Magazine for nearly eight years. Prior to that, she was a freelance writer and editor, and the Special Features Editor for Austin Woman Magazine. She was also a past president of the Metropolitan Breakfast Club.
Julie was a connector and a nurturer, always helping others. She delighted in meeting new members, connecting them to others, and being the glue for many longtime members to stay connected to the organization. She meant so much to so many, and was a pillar of kindness and grace in this world. Julie left a significant mark on WCA and on all of us who were lucky enough to know her and love her.
Julie’s wish was to have donations made to support the Paramount Theater in lieu of flowers.
Marika Flatt is co-owner, Associate Editor and Travel Editor of Texas Lifestyle Magazine.