Happy spring equinox, friends! Today, we will have as much daylight as we have darkness. And tomorrow, we will have just a little more light than dark. Isn’t nature just the coolest?
The energy of spring is full-throated and blooming here in Texas. We’ve got Bluebonnets in full tilt along the sides of the highways, the plants in my garden are taking off, and the birds are singing non-stop.
And, I am feeling it. In the midst of the darkness of winter, it’s sometimes difficult to remember the feeling of abundance that comes with spring. I was actually surprised by it when it hit me the other day.
I woke up like it was a normal day, ready to get a few tasks done. #reasonablegoals. And then, I found myself deep cleaning my bedroom. Even the baseboards got dusted. The energy of spring is unstoppable.
When we had our first over 90-degree day in February, I wasn’t ready. Now that we’ve gotten a healthy bit into March, I am feeling the lightness and energy all around me.
And, this is what I think is the coolest part about living cyclically or seasonally. We get to start over all the time. We get to set new goals or start over with each new moon cycle or at the start of every season. Who wants to just set goals at the beginning of the calendar year?
Sounds like no fun to me.
Spring is the season of rebirth, reset, and renewal. Right now, the energy is ripe for starting over and setting new intentions and goals. Plants and animals (and humans) start to come out of winter hibernation. All this to say, if you’re feeling your energy build, if you’re feeling the spark of something new after the long, cold, dark winter, or if you’re feeling ready to try a new morning routine, you’re right in tune with the season. Right now, this week, the energy is aligned with setting goals and starting new things.
Here are a few easy ways you can celebrate this fresh spring energy.
1. Stop. Smell the damn flowers.

One of the best parts of spring in Texas is the bluebonnets. Every roadside, hill, field, and even some yards, are full of bluebonnets. They came in early this year so we’ve only got a few more weeks left, so I comment on and point out every patch I see.
Spring is special for many reasons but the most important is the Texas Mountain Laurel. In spring, these trees pop with giant purple flowers. And, I guarantee you’ve never smelled anything more delicious in your life. The flowers are heady and citrusy. Some even say they smell like grape soda. And, it’s practically state law (jk) that you must bury your nose in every bloom you pass.
Whether it’s daffodils or some other local flower or plant, take some time this season to stop and notice the abundance of nature. As the cold slips away and the world turns green again, take that extra moment to feel the sun on your skin and absorb some of that abundant energy into yourself.
2. Set an intention for the season
As the time of renewal, birth, and new beginnings, the spring equinox is the perfect time to set new intentions and goals for the coming months. And, instead of setting a year-long goal like we do in the new year, set a goal that’s just for the season. In corporate speak, that’s one quarter or three months.
You’ll work on that goal for the next 90 days, that’s all. Then, you can revisit whether the goal is working or should be amended or retired. We overestimate what we can get done in a day, but underestimate what we can get done in three months.
If you’re not sure what goal you want to set for this season, consider looking back at the goals you set in January. Are those goals working for you? If they’re not, change them or make them smaller. And, if the goals no longer feel aligned, get rid of them and get new, better goals.
There’s nothing wrong with choosing new goals when the old ones are no longer supporting you in the way you need.
3. Bring forth something new
Spring is an amazing time to birth a creative idea or project. If you’ve had something percolating in the back of your mind, now is the time to start. With spring popping all around you, you can borrow some of the abundance of nature to take the first steps towards the thing you want to grow.
My co-author and I finished the final book in our romantasy series last month and it will launch on March 20. (It’s available for pre-order now!) We both are feeling the energy of spring and are having so much fun brainstorming and outlining our next series. This season feels so right for dreaming, planning, and thinking up the next big thing.
4. Plant something

While every season is great for getting outside and connecting with nature, spring is all about planting seeds. You can plant figurative seeds by starting on a new project but I’d also suggest planting some literal seeds.
This can be as simple as getting a pot, some potting soil, and growing your own herbs on your kitchen counter. Small and simple doesn’t make the magic any less impactful. And I can tell you, there’s nothing like seeing the tiny green head of a sprout poke out through the dirt after you’ve waited days to greet it.
Nature is so incredible when we slow down enough to observe and see her work.
5. Cook, bake, or buy your favorite spring food

Why is it that the first thing I thought of when writing this tip was deviled eggs? Probably because they’re delicious and spring-y. I guess I know exactly what I’ll be making soon.
Whatever your spring favorite is buy it, cook it, or bake it. Food is such a beautiful way to celebrate a change in the seasons. And, while it’s still cool enough outside, it’s great to fire up the oven and bake or cook something delicious and themed to the season.
However you choose to celebrate the season, tune into the fresh, new energy that surrounds us as we enter into spring. Happy spring equinox! How wonderful that tomorrow we all get to wake up and have just a little bit more daylight.
Cover Photo by Ryan Riggins on Unsplash.

Page Grossman writes the intentional lifestyle newsletter do5ive and is a marketing copywriter. In her spare time, she writes romantasy and fosters adorable, old cats.