Five Easy, Affordable Steps to Make Over Your Home for Successful Virtual Learning

by Holly Clark on August 13, 2020 in Lifestyle, Home,
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Preparing for virtual learning at home involves not only preparing the space and equipment.

It’s also important that both the student and the rest of the people at home adopt the right mindset. There’s so much understandable uncertainty, including fearing the financial burden of preparing for home e-learning forced on so many of by the pandemic.

Of course, not just students are trying to cope with a sudden shift from traditional learning to virtual learning but also educational institutions and teachers. As faculty work to properly plan lessons that will translate well and be easy to understand even without face-to-face interaction between student and teacher, their anxiety with all the changes can often transmit itself to the student—not to mention the parents.

Despite all those concerns, these 5 tips will help prepare both the space and the student to ensure focused and comfortable virtual learning in your home.

1. Create a Designated Workspace

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With many parents working from home, it’s also necessary to consider a space for school-age children or college students that will be taking their classes online. As learning from home shifts to the long-term for many, it’s wise to create a learning space solely for that purpose.

The space should ideally have a desk, although a kitchen table also works. Size? It should be large enough to function as a reading nook and for placing the student’s computer or laptop.

2. Get Ergonomic Chairs

Photo Irena Kefala on Unsplash

It’s been shown that ergonomic seating affects student learning. Sitting uncomfortably for too long can affect health, posture and concentration. Choose the right size as choosing a chair too small can restrict movement and blood circulation. Too big a chair can also be uncomfortable.

Students should be able to sit with their feet firmly planted on the ground. The chair should also be able to provide adequate back support and be movable instead of rigid as it’s been observed that movement, even when seated, promotes learning.

3. Choose the Right Device for e-Learning

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Make sure at home learners have a reliable computer. Tip: Avoid getting carried with the latest features, sleek designs and marketing. Instead, keep in mind the student’s needs or ask the school what specifications are needed to work well with the school curriculum as well as for communication apps that will be used. This will help you avoid choosing a laptop or computer that is too expensive with apps and features that are not needed.

4. Choose the Right Internet Plan

Photo Letizia Bordoni on Unsplash

Internet service providers have different plans available for different needs. Consider the household needs plus the student’s needs for the internet. Choosing the lowest plan could result in inadequate connection that will slow down learning. Going for the most expensive internet plan might not be the best choice as it could be a strain to the budget. So, shop around and choose one that will cover the whole household’s internet requirements at an affordable price.

5. Support Your Student’s Well-Being

Photo Andy Falconer on Unsplash

Starting e-learning is stressful. These are challenging times. So, be particularly vigilant when it comes to taking care of your favorite student’s mental health. Consider the pacing of learning. Learning different subjects, assignments, tests and grades are all important but it’s also important to set some time for enjoyment. Especially if it can be away from the computer.

Check up on your student, make time for communication. And be ready to lend a helping hand if they are facing challenges. The goal is to create an environment that will boost the student’s focus, minimize stress, and inspire a love for learning.

Cover photo courtesy Jessica Lewis on Unsplash

Holly Clark is a freelance lifestyle writer who focuses on helping readers update their interior decor. Holly is currently working for Land of Rugs.