Sallie Knudsen needed to lose weight and was ready to make a lifestyle change when she discovered there was an Orangetheory Fitness opening nearby.
This is her story about losing weight, gaining energy and taking back control of her life—-with the help and support of Orangetheory Fitness Pflugerville.
What brought you to Orangetheory Fitness?
I wasn’t familiar with Orangetheory Fitness, but decided to try a class to see what it was all about. My first class made me realize how out of shape I truly was. Even before the workout was over, I decided that gym was what I needed in my life. I signed up for a membership the same day. The sense of community and the atmosphere created by the OTF coaches and staff are second to none. Getting a great workout is important to me, but this atmosphere is one that also keeps me coming back for more!

How has your health changed since joining OTF?
Drastically. I’ve lost the weight I initially wanted to lose and have gained more muscle. I’m sleeping better, paying more attention to my diet and have more energy.
What transformations have you seen in your life?
Besides having to get a new wardrobe due to my weight loss, I also feel better mentally. All of those things you hear others say about becoming healthier being more than just physical changes, is so true. OTF is truly a place for everybody—-no matter your level of fitness. When I started at OTF, I could hardly keep a jogging pace. Now my goal is to run a sub-six-minute mile by the end of the year.
What’s one thing you wish your 18-year-old self knew?
I wish I could tell her to make time to workout and to pay more attention to her diet, in particular portion sizes.
How do you treat yourself when you reach a goal or feel especially on point?
I’m “treating” myself by taking better care of myself. Not only have I added OTF to my routine, but also rest and relaxation are a part of my routine to help with recovery.