Honestly, who doesn’t like weird homes? Houses are often concrete in design, they’re supposed to look a certain, nuclear way – which is why it’s so fascinating to walk through the halls of a house that decidedly go against the grain. So it’s only natural that Austin, the birthplace of weird, host the 3rd Annual Weird Homes Tour on May 7.

The Weird Homes Tour was founded in 2014 by Chelle and David J. Neff who had a vision to showcase the places that make Austin fun, strange and dynamic. Many of the homes belong to local artists, performers and creatives. The main mission of the tour is to fight for affordable housing in Austin.
“David and I started this with a simple idea, and through the hard work of our Wranglers, our amazing homeowners, and the community in Austin we have been proud to see our event double in size year over year. We look forward to that again this year as well as continuing to give back to Affordable Housing causes here in Central Texas,” said Chelle Neffe.

Some of the homes on this year’s tour include “Professor Dumpster’s” latest home design project, Kasita; The Village of the Witch, home to a performance artist and self-described witch with a collection of old fairy tale books, snakes, swans and lambs; Riggins’ Cabinet of Curiosities, one of the houses used for filming Friday Night Lights which now holds all sorts of bizarre and creepy oddities. And Casa Neverlandia, a colorful playscape complete with fire poles, secret passages, an elevated footbridge, talk tubes, and a hidden concert stage.
The tour will take place on May 7, from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Don’t worry though, it’s self-paced, so you’ll have all the time in the world to take in the strange delights found at every site. Tickets are $30 to see all of the homes, spread across different neighborhoods in Austin and $45 to attend the VIP party from 6 – 9 p.m. at Canopy Studios. Weird Homes Tour is also a family friendly event where kids thirteen and under can tour for free.
You can find out more at www.weirdhomestour.com