Julie Ferstler grew up at a time when taking care of our skin wasn’t as commonplace as it is today.
Yet, Ferstler’s mother used products to prevent aging and taught her daughter to do the same. As a result, Ferstler looks younger than her 63 years. She recently tried a new, personalized skincare product called CUSTOM D.O.S.E. that Sanova Dermatology has introduced to Austin. D.O.S.E combines medical-grade ingredients for a personalized skincare product. Personalized skincare, made in the office, is a leap forward in improving the health and appearance of skin. Dr. Ted Lain at Sanova in Steiner Ranch was Ferstler’s dermatologist and Shelly Winkenwerder was her aesthetician.
Here is Julie Ferstler’s thoughtful story of skincare for the ages.
What’s your skin story?
I’ve always had very nice skin because I began taking care of it at a young age when it wasn’t necessarily fashionable to wear sunscreen, eye cream, moisturizer or to cleanse properly. But it made a difference! Now that I’m 63, I was looking for something to keep my skin healthy and young-looking as I enter this next phase of my life.
What drew you to CUSTOM D.O.S.E.?
I like that it is a pharmaceutical-grade product, so I know it’ll work better than the items I can find in drug stores or department stores. It’s stronger and will do a better job of keeping my skin looking young. I also like that there are no preservatives in the mixture, unlike items that need to sit on a store shelf until they’re sold.
How was the process of getting your own customized product?
I thought it was rather unique! I like that it can pinpoint your trouble areas and it’s made especially for you! I purchased an AM mixture and a PM mixture and am excited to try them. Each dose lasts 3 months, so I’ll see what my skin needs look like in the new year and make my new customized product then.
Cover: Shelley Winkenwerder and Julie Ferstler (right). Photo courtesy Taylor Butler