As kids bust out of school for summer vacation, Ken Dunn, CEO and Founder of GoRead.com, picks page-turners that middle schoolers will love.
Exploration of different genres, such as poetry and biographies, happens around middle school age, and kids begin to discover their favorites. They can read and write on specific topics for fun, and understand a variety of different styles. Kids at this age are also able to analyze books for meaning and understand metaphors or other literary devices.
Wonder by R.J. Palacio
“Wonder” is a story that is full of wisdom, heart and humor. August Pullman is a 10-year-old boy with severe facial abnormalities who begins public school for the first time. His journey is one of a kind and a guaranteed tear-jerker that will inspire kids to share the lessons of kindness and friendship.
Hour of the Bees by Lindsay Eagar
“Hour of the Bees” is entrenched with magical realism and a strong focus on the importance of family. The storytelling is mesmerizing and the characters are complex and well-written. Your middle schooler will be picking their jaw off the floor by the time they’ve finished the book!
Counting By 7s by Regan McMahon
“Counting By 7s” is the story of six people brought together by a tragic event that changes their lives. The writing style is extremely engaging, and kids will have trouble finding a reason to put this book down (or pull an all-nighter reading frenzy!).
Out of My Mind by Sharon M. Draper
“Out of My Mind” is one seriously powerful book for young readers. It tells the story of Melody, a student without the ability to speak, write, talk or walk, but has the photographic memory of a genius. The story has an innate ability to change the way we view other people’s lives and journeys.
Ken Dunn is an international speaker, author and sales trainer, as well as CEO and Founder of GoRead.com, a social media community for readers and author support platform.