Texas native Estela Cockrell was tired.
Tired of not feeling her best, dealing with burgeoning autoimmune issues all while taking care of her busy family. When she couldn’t find all-natural beauty and home products readily available she decided to solve her own problem and help others at the same time. Switch2Pure was born. Swith2Pure is a one stop shop for toxic-free beauty, home and lifestyle products that have been through rigorous testing to weed out any product with harmful ingredients.
Have customers been receptive to the idea of Switch2Pure? What kind of response have you gotten?
Yes, we have gotten great feedback from moms who relate to being busy, taking care of their families and are many times too overwhelmed to read and understand product labels. Our customers know these products have been vetted for safety and for luxuriousness all at a great price point. They love the convenience, the packaging, the service, and the community we are building.
Which segment (beauty, home, wellness, etc.) have customers responded most to?
Different markets have responded differently, but makeup (lead in mascara and lipstick), skincare and sensitive skin types (like those who suffer from eczema) have responded the most. People want to do their best, and we help them achieve this.
How do you decide which products to put on your website?
It is a laborious process. We find products, do a light review and try the products. If we like them, we get to know the producer and run each product ingredient list line by line through our rigorous database of banned chemicals (parabens, carcinogens, endocrine disruptors and neurotoxins are just the tip of the toxic iceberg). If it meets our standards for safety and luxury, then we place it for sale on our website. Our standards are based on well substantiated scientific data from internationally tested and banned chemicals. Our scientists created one standard for us called the Purist List.

Your kits look so well curated – which is your favorite and why?
I love them all, but I especially love our customized gifting option. You message us a price point and a gift recipient and we put something together for you. Gifting made easy and clean! As far as kits, for the glam girl, the Glam Squad is my favorite. For those with autoimmune issues, I love Immune Boost and for the active girl, I love Go for the Glow. I also LOVE and am proud of the Teen Gone Clean – this kit is particularly near and dear to me because I am a mother. There is well substantiated data that exposure to endocrine disruptors during prepubescent and pubescent periods is related to cancer.
What is the one beauty product women should make the switch from today?
I would say it is five things: mascara, lipstick, deodorant, toothpaste and sunscreen. These contain some of the biggest chemical offenders and everyone should ditch them for Switch2Pure.
Why is Switch2Pure a good idea for someone without any sensitivities or allergies?
We all work so hard to clean up our diet, eat organic, exercise, and then we load our body and our largest organ (skin) with hundreds of toxic ingredients every single day. We must make the switch to have a healthier lifestyle, and we must not overlook the impact of these daily, low dose exposures and how they impact our immune systems.
What has been the most gratifying thing about starting Switch2Pure?
The community we are creating. The connections being made with women everywhere from as far as Saudi Arabia, Australia, Colombia, Canada and as close as down the street. Also, the long emails I get in gratitude for making switching to a healthier lifestyle so easy. It literally makes me smile and beam with pride to be a part of their journey.
Gabi De la Rosa lives in Houston with her husband and three children. You can usually find her at a great local restaurant or out exploring HTX with her family.