Does anything make you heart melt more than helping make homeless hounds happy? Didn’t think so. Well, the people of Mckinney-based Farmhouse Fresh are doing just that – they’ve already donated more than $10,000 in the way of durable and beautiful dog beds to local texas shelters in Collin County, Garland, and Lancaster. And they invite the community to help via purchase of the endearing book Is It True They Call You the Dog Bed Fairy?

The 18-page hard cover book is funny and charming, featuring the thoughts of the furry friends who were aided by Farmhouse Fresh’s mission. Each book retails for $10.00 and can be purchased either through the company’s website here, or through any retail store carrying Farmhouse Fresh products. Every book that is purchased donates $7 towards buying comfortable dog beds. Farmhouse Fresh maintains a waiting list of rescues and shelters, who fill out wish lists, and then the company fulfills said wish as soon as they accumulate enough funds to outfit the shelter. And then they move on to the next shelter on the list.
“Our goal is to bring smiles to dog and animal lovers, while providing comfort, warmth and love to our furry friends in shelters, plus raising public awareness of their need for a permanent home,” says Shannon McLinden, CEO and Founder of Farmhouse Fresh.

Another cool feature is that when you purchase a copy via online, you’ll have a chance to upload a selfie or a photo, and 2 business days later the company will send you a customized Dog Bed Fairy photo with the subject decked out in fairy wings and a halo – a true Dog Bed Fairy. They encourage their readers to upload their photos to social media with the hashtag #DogBedFairy, to tag the company on on Instagram/Twitter (@FarmHouseFresh), or on Facebook (FarmHouseFreshGoods). Each month, Farmhouse Fresh will select a photo that uses any of the above hashtags and send the winners free, limited-edition poster print of pages from the book.