00 Dance Hall Lobby courtesy Will Pryce 2 e1579722525724

#TXAway: The Best of Downtown Houston, C. Baldwin Hotel

by Gabi De la Rosa on January 23, 2020

“Well behaved women seldom make history”, a larger-than-life quote by Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, is one of the first things you’ll see when you walk into the C. Baldwin Hotel, and it perfectly embodies everything the...

00 Singapore Tourism Board 9136416402832251046Marina Bay Sands e1579558966770

#TravelTuesday: Three Must Sees in Stunning Singapore

by Ismael Garudo on January 21, 2020

Don’t let Singapore’s relatively small size fool you. Consisting of one major island and 59 small islands, the city-state in Southeast Asia covers an area slightly smaller than New York City. However, Singapore lies at...


#TravelTuesday: Vacation Like the Rich and Famous in Sardinia, Italy

by Heidi Gollub on November 5, 2019

Standing on a balcony nestled so high on a granite cliffside that a hotel golf cart had to deliver me here, I survey the sparkling water of Sardinia’s Costa Smeralda.  Here on the Italian island’s...

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Step Up to the Plate for a Homerun at Goodall’s Kitchen

by Haven Lindsey on August 16, 2019

Ambience. There are restaurants that can serve it up and restaurants that can’t. Most people who want a nice dining experience include the restaurant’s environment in their considerations. Lighting, artwork, privacy, noise level… ingredients that...

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A Book Lover’s Guide to San Antonio

by Bebe Brown on April 3, 2019

Over its three illustrious centuries, San Antonio’s allure has captured the imagination of literary luminaries from Robert Frost to Sandra Cisneros. Those with an appreciation for the written word will find there is much to...

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#TravelTuesday: Feeling the Moxy In Times Square

by Amanda Ogle on November 13, 2018

With five boroughs, around 100 museums, 41 Broadway theaters, more than 25,000 restaurants, and countless historical landmarks, tourists aren’t traveling to New York City to hole up in a hotel room for rest and relaxation....