A cenote is a natural sinkhole caused by the collapse of limestone bedrock that exposes groundwater underneath. There are over 6,000 cenotes in Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula alone.
Cenotes vary in size and features, some boasting deep underground caves, with stalactites and stalagmites, appealing to adventurous divers. Others are more open and are popular swimming holes with locals and tourists.
In February, Sarah Teveldal and Lilah Bazarte visited cenote Nicté-Ha near Tulum to capture underwater images that feature the beauty of these wonderful caverns.

Photo Sarah Teveldal

Sarah Teveldal is an Austin-based award-winning underwater photographer who specializes in working with aquatic teams and swim schools. She also offers private underwater sessions in her studio pool for maternity, engagements, kids, pets, fashion and more. Teveldal hosts Underwater Workshops and is available for travel worldwide. Follow her on Facebook and view more of her work on Instagram. To experience an exhilarating underwater session of your own, visit www.flashpoolproductions.com
Lilah Bazarte has a regular yogic and meditation practice that helps her gain a sense of serenity and calm to her breathing. This she says is especially helpful when it comes to modeling underwater. To see movement in ways that are not possible above water is like magic and is what keeps her motivated. Follow her on Instagram and Facebook.