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“Imperium”: To See or Nazi

by Hunter Lanier on August 24, 2016

In the annals of movie villains, there are two who stand out above the rest—the "great whites": sharks and Nazis. They're fool-proof foils, because they're innately dangerous, relentless and unlikable. "Imperium" tackles the latter, although of...

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“Ben-Hur” a Soulless Revisiting of a Soulful Tale

by Hunter Lanier on August 22, 2016

While witnessing this modern take on the classic tale of Ben-Hur, I began to feel like a parent—bound by paternal duty—attending a school play. There's the skeleton of a story I'm familiar with and none...

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“Suicide Squad” Fails to be Different

by Hunter Lanier on August 8, 2016

If you remember, "The Bad News Bears" ends with the opposing team—having won the game—commending the Bears on their moxie and offering an apology for having mocked them earlier. They then gather around in a circle and chant their appreciation...

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“Star Trek Beyond” Lives Large And Prospers

by Hunter Lanier on July 28, 2016

American roots music is cohabited by blues and folk. Blues music is primarily emotional—lots of moaning and full of inclusive themes—and folk music is primarily intellectual, offering stories with moral or political centers. In the Sci-fi world, Star Wars...

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Turn On, Tune In, “Lights Out”

by Hunter Lanier on July 25, 2016

Horror films are often so intent on being scary, that they forget to be good. "Lights Out" colors inside the lines of the jump-scare formula (prolonged silence + spike in volume = loss of popcorn), and...

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“Ghostbusters” brings the undead and the unfunny

by Hunter Lanier on July 18, 2016

This reboot of the comedy classic has received a bulk of unearned ire from fans; as if the film, wearing a polo tucked into its khaki shorts, announced its betrothal to all their mothers and started calling them "sport." And as with...

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“Mike and Dave” Need Some Medication

by Hunter Lanier on July 14, 2016

In the 90s, no one could have predicted that “America's Funniest Home Videos” would have a larger impact on the future of comedy than Jerry Seinfeld or Chris Rock. Yet, at least once a month, a raunchy...

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“The Secret Life of Pets” is a neutered adventure

by Hunter Lanier on July 11, 2016

As a dog owner, I have sometimes wondered what my beloved Satchmo is up to while I'm away. After some 20 seconds of thumbing through possibilities, I come to the conclusion that he is up to nothing at all,...

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“The Legend of Tarzan” Swings And Misses

by Hunter Lanier on July 7, 2016

Despite leading off with a confounding amount of preface, considering this is a movie about a guy who yells and swings from trees, "The Legend of Tarzan" begins with promise. Excellent actors enter from stages left and...