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#TravelTuesday: Ann Arbor’s Amazing Eats

by Jennifer Simonson on March 7, 2017

Ann Arbor, Michigan proves that some of the best travel destinations are also the best food destinations.The quaint college town 45 miles west of Detroit is home to more restaurants per capita than any other...

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The Ultimate SXSW Guide: Tips From a Serial Adventurer

by Khrysi Briggs on March 7, 2017

Whether you’ve traveled hundreds of miles to attend or spent a month’s rent to spring for that Platinum Badge, odds are you’ve been planning this musical odyssey for months now. With the big shindig finally...

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How To Create The Best SXSW Interactive Schedule

by Leah Fisher Nyfeler on March 6, 2017

Every March finds me drooling over Austin’s South by Southwest Music, Film and Interactive Conferences and Festivals (SXSW). Oh, I love a good conference! Over the years, I’ve developed a few tricks to craft an...

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#TravelTuesday: Awesome Activities In New Braunfels

by Nick Bailey on February 28, 2017

Looking for something to do with the family this season? With Texas weather bringing snow and below-freezing temperatures across the state, a lot of normal options were a no go recently, but if you’re still suffering...

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#TravelTuesday: A look At Austin’s Westin Hotel

by Rita Cook on February 21, 2017

Music capital of the world — check! Cool vibe, great bar, and trendy restaurant — heck yeah! It’s all on the list and it’s the perfect location right downtown in Austin. The Westin Austin Downtown...

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#TravelTuesday: Snow Much Fun in Purgatory

by Autumn Rhea Carpenter on February 14, 2017

My skiing background spans back to the footloose 1980s, before skiers wore helmets, the neon jackets and pants were blindingly brighter than the snow and the more dare devilish stunts performed, the better. I would...

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#TravelTuesday: Discover The San Luis Resort Spa & Convention Center In Galveston

by Autumn Rhea Carpenter on February 7, 2017

The beach always captures center stage in the summer. It’s the backdrop for surfside bonfires, family reunions and sandcastle contests. But even in ‘not summer,’ (a term that Houston locals lovingly refer to the other...

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#TravelTuesday: The Alise Chicago Has History With A Modern Vibe

by Rita Cook on January 31, 2017

When I first arrive in Chicago for my two-night stay at the Alise Chicagol, I am struck with a bit of homesick. After all, I lived in Chicago for 10 years. I lived and worked...

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#TravelTuesday: 4 Nebraska Adventures With A Texas Twist

by Leah Fisher Nyfeler on January 24, 2017

What do cattle drives, iconic automotive art, and awe-inspiring natural wonders bring to mind? Residents of the Lone Star State might confidently answer “Texas,” and they’d not be wrong. But getting off the beaten path...