Many people know the outcome of Roe v Wade, but not many know the details of the real story of the case and the women behind it. Roe, written by Lisa Loomer playing at The Topfer at ZACH Theater, tells the story of the two women’s lives behind the 1973 Roe v Wade decision, tackling the politics of abortion through humanity and humor.

Norma McCorvey was a homeless pregnant woman seeking an abortion, which was banned under Texas law except when the life of the mother was in danger. Norma met up with two young ambitious lawyers, Linda Coffee and Sarah Weddington, and well, it was all history from there. To keep Norma’s identity concealed, they decided to go with the name “Jane Roe.”

To Sum it Up
Austin attorney Sarah Weddington (at age 27) won the landmark 1973 case Roe v Wade that legalized abortion, making her the youngest person to ever successfully argue a case before the Supreme Court. A national debate ensued, and a divide in America endures over this controversial issue. What most people don’t know is that after the case, Ms. Weddington and Norma McCorvey, “Jane Roe” the plaintiff, took divergent life paths that reflect the complicated polarization in our culture. Poignant, surprising, and with unexpected humor, ROE illuminated the difficult choices women make and the passion each side has for its cause.

Many people of all ages gathered – young and old. There was a mix of men and women, though it was predominantly women. (The bathroom line was packed at intermission). And while I was standing in the long line for the bathroom, I overheard a young woman say “this is my second time seeing this play and every time I see something different.” Not only was this play impactful on me, it’s clearly making an impact on others too. These actors work extremely hard day and night to put on an amazing show. At times I was emotional, other times I was laughing. There were plenty of those “oh wow” moments. One of them being the fact that I had no idea the first conversation of Roe v Wade took place at a pizzeria in Dallas, Texas.

The play had its bitter sweet moments. It makes you realize how many rights women never had to begin with, and how far we’ve come just to get them taken away again. I will say I thought the play did a great job of portraying information in a modern, attention-grabbing way that kept you informed but also laughing, not only for the people who lived it but also for the younger people to understand from their own perspective. My eyes and ears were glued every second.

I especially liked what was stated at the very end of the play. Though they can’t make us Texans do anything, one thing for certain is that we all have a voice and a choice. A choice that calls for action to try to make a difference and vote for our voice to be heard. Because at the end of the day, all we really have is our voice.

“In Texas and at ZACH, we will have the gift of audiences filled with patrons who stand on both sides of this issue. My hope is that our production will jumpstart conversations between them,” said Director Jenny Lavery. “Our fractured world needs more conversation. Specifically, more ‘across the aisle’ conversation. More listening. And more understanding.”

Roe will be playing The Topfer at ZACH Theater, April 5–30, 2023.
Cover photo Courtesy ZACH Theater
Leean Vargas is the Highlight Reel newsletter editor at Texas Lifestyle Magazine and an honors graduate of Texas State University with a bachelor’s degree in Public Relations. She is a concert enthusiast who loves traveling, photography, good food, and discovering new hangout spots in her beloved city, Austin, Texas.