During our high school years, my cousin Cecilia and I developed a slight addiction. Thrifting.
It has since grown into my biggest personality trait, conversation topic, and most practiced hobby. I wear at least one thrifted item a day and oftentimes strut an entirely second hand outfit to work, class, and even formal events. A lot of my finds can be found on @ohthanksithrifted but if you know me, you know this account doesn’t scratch the surface of my collection.
Although it could be of benefit to me to gatekeep these stores – I would like to share the wealth and introduce everyone to hubs for amazing clothing, accessories, china, and more.

As a self proclaimed thrifting master, the best weapon to have in your arsenal is not the stores themself but the locations that they are in. A thrift shop in a prominent neighborhood (or near one) is prime, whether or not you are in Texas. For instance, the Uptown Cheapskate across the street from Southern Methodist University in Dallas. As a franchise that buys gently used clothing from its customers and resells them, this specific store has heaps of amazing dresses and formal wear. A lot of their styles include J.Crew workwear, Free People attire, and much more.

I also frequent the Uptown Cheapskate on Lamar in Austin, their Richardson location, and the new store in Wylie. What is amazing is once I have gotten a good amount of wear from a specific item, I resell it to UC and “trade” it for a new item. These stores are also phenomenal and each of them have their hot items.

In terms of glassware – Goodwill has always been kind to me. In particular, I love thrifting dainty porcelain dishes to give away as jewelry plates for my friends and cousins. The Goodwill store in Garland, Texas, and the one off of Lamar in Austin have the most fantastic glassware I have ever laid eyes on. In particular – I have been lucky enough to grow an extensive Portuguese-style pottery collection. As Christmas or birthdays approach, I visit Goodwill rather frequently and will collect items that remind me of the people I give gifts to. For my grandmother, a rooster platter. Older family members, ceramic dishes to hold homemade butter. My cousin Catarina, a vintage Six Flags mug!
Now, let’s say you do not want to leave your house or sift through endless clothing. Thredup is where you look next. This online thrift store – similar to Uptown Cheapskate – buys clothing off of you. The beauty of ThredUP is that you are able to keyword search for specific items you are needing – without having to comb through the collections at in-person stores. The clothing is shipped to your door in bright sustainable wrapping and you can return what doesn’t work!

Putting this final location in this article has caused me much mental turmoil. This store is absolutely ridiculous – it is a designer resale store that liquidates high end items that didn’t sell for 60-90% off. Do I even share it or do I keep it to myself??? Fine. United Apparel Liquidators is where to go. From this store, I have three beautiful and unique flat brimmed hats originally upwards of $400 dollars, the coolest vibrant orange wide leg slacks, a short white sundress straight off a Love-Shack-Fancy magazine, and tops perfect for the office. There is truly something for everyone – and you don’t have to break the bank.

Cover Photo Courtesy Film Photo Madison Marketos
Juliana Stanford is an undergraduate Public Relations student at the University of Texas at Austin and is a native Texan. She aspires to work with international nonprofits and with abroad entities.