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5 Unhealthy Eating Habits & How To Break Them

by Amanda Wilks on September 10, 2018

We’re increasingly prone to unhealthy eating habits, brought on by today’s fast-paced, urban-dwelling life. Mixing ignorance and a lack of time with skillful modern marketing, that makes it ever harder to resist temptation, is a...

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7 Foods You Thought Were Healthy

by Nick Bailey on January 27, 2017

If you’re aiming eat right this year, you may want to read those labels a little closer the next time you’re walking down the grocery isles. You might be setting yourself up for a dietary...

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Revive Your Wardrobe This Season

by Edie Henry on January 26, 2017

Our health and weight aren’t the only things that may need some attention at the beginning of the new year! During the hustle and bustle of the holidays, we tend to let taking care of...