unhealthy food

Why A Bad Diet Is A Serious Risk For Mental And Physical Health

by Helen Sanders on May 24, 2017

Everyone knows that food is necessary for survival, but good food is necessary for a healthy life. When you eat nutritious food, you are providing your body with the things it needs—vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and...

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The Essential Items For New Parents In 2017

by The Texas Lifestyle Team on May 11, 2017

August has been shown to be the most popular birth month in the country, so you or someone you know may be expecting a visit from the stork soon. To celebrate the blessing and sprinkle...

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5 Cinco de Mayo Tips To Save Your Diet

by Nick Bailey on May 1, 2017

Much to the chagrin of Latinos across the state, many Texans take Cinco de Mayo — also colloquially referred to as Cinco de Drinko — to get inebriated in a flurry of tacos, nachos and...

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Don’t Run Away To Join The Circus! Fun & Fitness With Sky Candy

by Eve Richter on April 27, 2017

Ah, the magic of circus! Remember back to your childhood experience of circus: the mingled scents of elephants, cotton candy, and popcorn rich in your nostrils; the dazzling spectacle of brightly-costumed clowns, death-defying tightrope walkers,...

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#GetInvolved: Wild Woman Weekend

by Alex Hay on March 27, 2017

The City of Blanco, Texas is often overlooked when thinking of fun destinations. Covering roughly three square miles and home to just 1,800 residents, it’s easy to understand how it gets lost being nestled between...

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5 Ways To Enjoy Valentine’s Day Alone

by Helen Jones on February 14, 2017

There’s no reason why Valentine’s Day can’t become a good excuse for you to appreciate one of, if not the most, important relationships you will ever have — the one with yourself. We can’t pick...

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Getting Glam and Hosting a Super Bowl Weekend to Remember

by Gabi De la Rosa on February 3, 2017

Where there is good football and the promise of entertaining nightlife, celebrities and VIPs will follow. Find out how to get glam just like the A-listers and where to go while you are looking pretty....

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10 Things You Need To Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions

by The TLM Team on January 10, 2017

2017 is here, and New Year's resolutions are in full effect. But if you’re looking for help sticking to yours, you’ll want these products for sure. Whether you’re looking to lose weight, have fun or...

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5 Signs It’s Time To Change Your Diet

by Nick Bailey on January 6, 2017

So 2016 was the year you tried to take control of your health and here we are in 2017 and you’re wondering if you’re on the right track. You've found a diet plan that seems...